可以去github这里获取pip pip Github 地址
sudo easy-install pip
是一个开源、免费、成熟的Python Web
框架,省去了很多不必要的重复开发,因此非常适合快速的部署、设计和开发自己的应用,官网在介绍的时候用到了Ridiculously fast
1.Django1.7 官方文档参考
**先安装: pip install django **
**命令行:python3 进入python **
>>> import django
>>> print ( django .get_version ())
显示 版本信息 :1 . 7 . 2 就证明安装上了
进入到一个目录下,执行django-admin.py startproject mysite这个目录下就是要存储代码的目录
mysite /
manage .py
mysite /
__init__ .py
settings .py
urls .py
wsgi .py
外层 mysite/ 目录只是你项目的一个容器。对于 Django 来说该目录名并不重要; 你可以重命名为你喜欢的。
manage.py: 一个实用的命令行工具,可让你以各种方式与该 Django 项目进行交互。 你可以在 django-admin.py and manage.py 中查看关于 manage.py 所有的细节。
内层 mysite/ 目录是你项目中的实际 Python 包。该目录名就是 Python 包名,通过它你可以导入它里面的任何东西。 (e.g. import mysite.settings).
mysite/init .py: 一个空文件,告诉 Python 该目录是一个 Python 包。(如果你是 Python 新手,请查看官方文档了解 关于包的更多内容 。)
mysite/settings.py: 该 Django 项目的设置/配置。请查看 Django settings 将会告诉你如何设置。
mysite/urls.py: 该 Django 项目的 URL 声明; 一份由 Django 驱动的网站“目录”。请查看 URL dispatcher 可以获取更多有关 URL 的信息。
mysite/wsgi.py: 一个 WSGI 兼容的 Web 服务器的入口,以便运行你的项目。请查看 How to deploy with WSGI 获取更多细节。
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :mysite JerryLiu $ python3 manage .py runserver
Performing system checks ...
System check identified no issues ( 0 silenced ).
You have unapplied migrations ; your app may not work properly until they are applied .
Run 'python manage.py migrate' to apply them .
January 08 , 2015 - 06 : 19 : 21
Django version 1 . 7 . 2 , using settings 'mysite.settings'
Starting development server at http :// 127 . 0 . 0 . 1 : 8000 /
Quit the server with CONTROL-C .
进入 之后会发现出现了django的初始界面
更改端口号 :
默认情况下,:djadmin:runserver 命令启动的开发服务器只监听本地 IP 的 8000 端口。如果你想改变服务器的端口,把它作为一个命令行参数传递即可。例如以下命令启动的服务器将监听 8080 端口:
python manage .py runserver 8080
如果你想改变服务器 IP ,把它和端口号一起传递即可。因此,要监听所有公共 IP 地址(如果你想在其他电脑上炫耀你的工作),请使用:
python manage .py runserver 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 : 8000
// 找到我的mysql数据库
alias mysql =/ usr / local / mysql / bin / mysql
// 然后进入到文件夹
cd / usr / local / mysql
// 登陆
mysql -u root -p
// 出现如下界面 , 证明mysql安装没问题
Welcome to the MySQL monitor . Commands end with ; or \ g .
Your MySQL connection id is 54
Server version : 5 . 6 . 22 MySQL Community Server ( GPL )
Copyright ( c ) 2000 , 2014 , Oracle and / or its affiliates . All rights reserved .
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and / or its
affiliates . Other names may be trademarks of their respective
owners .
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help . Type '\c' to clear the current input statement .
首先是mac 上pathon 版本的问题。
找到了一个小工具,叫做 Virtualenv
// 首先用pip安装一下
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :~ JerryLiu $ pip install virtualenv
// 安装成功
Successfully installed virtualenv-12 . 0 . 5
// 检查一下版本
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :~ JerryLiu $ virtualenv --version
12 . 0 . 5
// 下面这句话是创建一个虚拟环境 , 默认这样是创建了3 . 4 的Python的虚拟环境
virtualenv ENV
// 如下 :
Using base prefix '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4'
New python executable in ENV / bin / python3
Also creating executable in ENV / bin / python
Installing setuptools , pip .. .done .
// 进入之后可以看一下
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :~ JerryLiu $ cd ENV
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :ENV JerryLiu $ ls
bin include lib
// 输入命令 : source ./ bin / activate 执行当前的虚拟环境 这样就会在前边多了一个 ( ENV ) 就证明成功的进入到了这个python3 . 4 的虚拟环境中
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :ENV JerryLiu $ source ./ bin / activate
// deactivate 退出掉这个虚拟环境
( ENV ) JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :ENV JerryLiu $ deactivate
// 如果想要切换一个python版本的话 , 不适用默认的python版本
// 例如我找到了我的2 . 7 的目录 , 这样就切换过去了
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :ENV JerryLiu $ virtualenv -p / usr / bin / python2 . 7 ENV2 . 7
Running virtualenv with interpreter / usr / bin / python2 . 7
New python executable in ENV2 . 7 / bin / python
Installing setuptools , pip .. .done .
// 如下 , 和上一个进入虚拟环境一样
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :ENV JerryLiu $ source ./ ENV2 . 7 / bin / activate
( ENV2 . 7 ) JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :ENV JerryLiu $ ls
MySQLdb是Python连接MySQL的模块:MySQL-python-1.2.5 —–> Python interface to MySQL
// 这样就可以执行这个了 (3 . 4) 运行会出现错误 :
( ENV2 . 7 ) JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :MySQL-python-1 . 2 . 5 JerryLiu $ python setup .py install
(3 . 4) 执行之后显示的错误是 :
File "setup.py" , line 13 , in < module >
from setup_windows import get_config
File "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL-python-1.2.3\setup_windows.py" , line 46
print """You shouldn't be running this directly; it is used by setip.py."""
Syntax Error : invalid syntax
sh : mysql_config : command not found
( ENV2 . 7 ) JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :MySQL-python-1 . 2 . 5 JerryLiu $ ln -s / usr / local / mysql / bin / mysql_config / usr / local / bin / mysql_config
// 将mysql_confi从你的安装目录链接到 / usr / local / bin目录下 , 这样就可以在任意目录下访问了 ( 也可以放到 / usr / bin )
// 竟然成功了 。。。 再次执行 :
( ENV2 . 7 ) JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :MySQL-python-1 . 2 . 5 JerryLiu $ python setup .py install
Installed / Users / JerryLiu / ENV / ENV2 . 7 / lib / python2 . 7 / site-packages / MySQL_python-1 . 2 . 5 -py2 . 7 -macosx-10 . 10 -intel .egg
Processing dependencies for MySQL-python == 1 . 2 . 5
Finished processing dependencies for MySQL-python == 1 . 2 . 5
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :MySQL-for-Python-3-MySQLdb JerryLiu $ python3 setup .py install
安装完后 进入到django 刚才创建的工程目录下边,执行
python3 manage .py shell
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/base.py" , line 18 , in < module >
raise ImproperlyConfigured ( "Error loading MySQLdb module: %s" % e )
django .core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured : Error loading MySQLdb module : dlopen (/ Library / Frameworks / Python .framework / Versions / 3 . 4 / lib / python3 . 4 / site-packages / MySQL_python-1 . 2 . 4 -py3 . 4 -macosx-10 . 6 -intel .egg / _mysql .so , 2 ): Library not loaded : libmysqlclient . 18 .dylib
Referenced from : / Library / Frameworks / Python .framework / Versions / 3 . 4 / lib / python3 . 4 / site-packages / MySQL_python-1 . 2 . 4 -py3 . 4 -macosx-10 . 6 -intel .egg / _mysql .so
Reason : image not found
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :~ JerryLiu $ vim ~/ .bash_profile
// 输入这句话 新建一个环境变量
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH =/ usr / local / mysql / lib /
// 生效环境变量
source ~/ .bash_profile
// 建立两个软连接
sudo ln -s / usr / local / mysql / lib / libmysqlclient . 18 .dylib / usr / lib / libmysqlclient . 18 .dylib
sudo ln -s / usr / local / mysql / lib / usr / local / mysql / lib / mysql
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :mysite JerryLiu $ python3 manage .py shell
Python 3 . 4 . 2 ( v3 . 4 . 2 :ab2c023a9432 , Oct 5 2014 , 20 : 42 : 22 )
[ GCC 4 . 2 . 1 ( Apple Inc . build 5666 ) ( dot 3 )] on darwin
Type "help" , "copyright" , "credits" or "license" for more information .
( InteractiveConsole )
>>> from django .db import connection
>>> cursor = connection .cursor ()
原因应该是不能用3.4,用2.7 试试,将python版本转换到2.7
( ENV2 . 7 ) JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :mysite JerryLiu $ python manage .py syncdb
Operations to perform :
Apply all migrations : admin , contenttypes , auth , sessions
Running migrations :
Applying contenttypes . 0001 _initial ... FAKED
Applying auth . 0001 _initial ... OK
Applying admin . 0001 _initial ... OK
Applying sessions . 0001 _initial ... OK
You have installed Django 's auth system, and don' t have any superusers defined .
Would you like to create one now ? ( yes / no ): YES
Please enter either "yes" or "no" : yes
Username ( leave blank to use 'jerryliu' ): jerryliu
Email address : lr90719 @ 163 .com
Password :
Superuser created successfully .
其他tips: 查看pip安装过哪些东西
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :~ JerryLiu $ pip freeze
然后会显示这些东西,便于我们查看例如Django 的版本,这里是1.7
beautifulsoup4 == 4 . 3 . 2
cffi == 0 . 8 . 6
cryptography == 0 . 7 . 1
cssselect == 0 . 9 . 1
Django == 1 . 7 . 2
enum34 == 1 . 0 . 4
lxml == 3 . 4 . 1
MySQL-python == 1 . 2 . 4
pyasn1 == 0 . 1 . 7
pycparser == 2 . 10
pymongo == 2 . 7 . 2
pyOpenSSL == 0 . 14
queuelib == 1 . 2 . 2
requests == 2 . 5 . 1
Scrapy == 0 . 24 . 4
six == 1 . 8 . 0
Twisted == 14 . 0 . 2
virtualenv == 12 . 0 . 5
w3lib == 1 . 10 . 0
zope .interface == 4 . 1 . 2
这个地方是因为我在试着去完成 Django
// 创建我们刚才代码写的模型 , 生成他们
// demo是一个投票类的应用
( ENV2 . 7 ) JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :mysite JerryLiu $ python manage .py sql polls
CommandError : App 'polls' has migrations . Only the sqlmigrate and sqlflush commands can be used when an app has migrations .
Now Django knows to include the polls app. Let’s run another command:
$ python manage .py makemigrations polls
By running makemigrations, you’re telling Django that you’ve made some changes to your models (in this case, you’ve made new ones) and that you’d like the changes to be stored as a migration.
通过pip freeze查看现在用的pip过来的版本,看相应的文档,万一文档变了呢。
( ENV2 . 7 ) JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :mysite JerryLiu $ python manage .py makemigrations polls
Migrations for 'polls' :
0001 _initial .py :
- Create model Choice
- Create model Poll
- Add field poll to choice
( ENV2 . 7 ) JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :mysite JerryLiu $ python manage .py sqlmigrate polls 0001
CREATE TABLE ` polls_choice ` ( ` id ` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , ` choice_text ` varchar ( 200 ) NOT NULL , ` votes ` integer NOT NULL );
CREATE TABLE ` polls_poll ` ( ` id ` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , ` question ` varchar ( 200 ) NOT NULL , ` pub_date ` datetime NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE ` polls_choice ` ADD COLUMN ` poll_id ` integer NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE ` polls_choice ` ALTER COLUMN ` poll_id ` DROP DEFAULT ;
CREATE INDEX ` polls_choice_582e9e5a ` ON ` polls_choice ` ( ` poll_id ` );
ALTER TABLE ` polls_choice ` ADD CONSTRAINT ` polls_choice_poll_id_672f8d8e836026ff_fk_polls_poll_id ` FOREIGN KEY ( ` poll_id ` ) REFERENCES ` polls_poll ` ( ` id ` );
The third step:
python manage .py migrate
Operations to perform :
Apply all migrations : admin , contenttypes , polls , auth , sessions
Running migrations :
Applying polls . 0001 _initial ... OK
1.Change your models (in models.py).
2.Run python manage.py makemigrations
to create migrations for those changes
3.Run python manage.py migrate
to apply those changes to the database.
PS : python shell
输入下边命令进入 :
JerryLiudeMacBook-Pro :mysite JerryLiu $ python3 manage .py shell
例如,我们新建了一个app 叫做pollsdemo
from pollsdemo .models import Question , Choice
Question .objects.all ()
[< Question : What ' s new ?>, < Question : HelloWorld >, < Question : add a question >, < Question : newquestion >]
可以看到现在保存了三个问题对象,一般默认的不会显示的这么容易区分,会显示成:[<Question: Question object>]
def __str__ ( self ): # __unicode__ on Python 2 ß
return self .question_text
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